Cargo bikes storage boost

Cargo bikes storage boost Image

CYCLISTS WHO use a non-standard bike now have somewhere safe to store their machine thanks to support from Dundee City Council.

Extra storage space has been created next to the city’s Cycle Hub at Waterfront Place for cargo bikes, trikes and other non-standard bikes.

Cllr Kevin Cordell the council’s cycling spokesperson added: “We all know that cycling and other forms of active travel are good for people and for the environment, but it is also a mode of transport that can be accessible to people unable or unwilling to operate a standard bike.

“That’s why this new storage will help to make cycling even more available for everyone.”

Mark Flynn, convener of Dundee City Council’s city development committee said: “By using grants from Cycling Scotland and Transport Scotland we were pleased to be able to identify £30,000 for storage that people had been asking for.”

With support from partner agencies the additional storage will enable:

  • development of weekly Cycling Without Age Trishaw sessions for older people and those with additional support needs through the creation of a Dundee Cycling Without Age chapter;
  • weekly electric trike sessions with coaching and training being provided by Dundee Voluntary Action for older people or those with mobility issues;
  • adaptive bike rentals and tuition provided Dundee Cycle Hub;
  • cargo bike rentals and supply to enable local businesses to have access to and trial greener, lower carbon transport alternatives through a joint project with SUSTRANS.
  • additional cycle storage for public rentals; and
  • storage for public bike donations to be recycled or refurbished back into the community.

A number of new fleet cargo bikes supplied by SUSTRANS were also handed over to enable the rental scheme to get up and running.

Pic by Nico Anelli shows left to right Beth Woodall (Sustrans), Cllr Kevin Cordell, Scott Francis (Dundee & Angus Cycle Hub) and Karolis Toleikis (Sustrans).

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