Support for Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children

Support for Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children  Image

An update on progress is to be outlined following the first year of the council’s involvement in the UK-wide national transfer scheme (NTS). 

The children and families services committee (Monday Sep 5) will hear a 12-month update on developments since the council joined the scheme to accommodate small numbers of young people aged 16-17 who have arrived in the UK as asylum seekers. 

To date, most of the young people have travelled for many months. Most have experienced very difficult and traumatic events, including time spent in refugee camps, separation from their families, being victims of human trafficking, physical and sexual abuse and their basic needs generally not being met. 

In response to the changes introduced by the NTS, a working group involving key partners from the council, NHS Tayside, further and higher education and the third sector was established to plan and coordinate a local approach. 

The report also notes the emerging response to the conflict in Ukraine. 

Committee convener Councillor Stewart Hunter said: “The changes a year ago to the arrangements nationally presented Dundee with the opportunity to take responsibility and offer support and care for these young people through the national transfer scheme. 

“The case studies presented as part of the report show clearly the positive effects the support provided through the scheme has had, and will continue to have, for young people. 

“Dundee has a strong track record of helping children and families affected by humanitarian crises. I know that our city will continue to assist those who have suffered so much trauma in their young lives.”

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