Tenant Participation Arrangements in our Housing Service

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What is tenant participation?

Tenant participation is about tenants and their representatives taking part in decision making processes and influencing decisions about housing conditions and housing and housing related services. It is a two way process which involves the sharing of information, ideas and power.

We are committed to supporting and encouraging tenants and their representatives to participate effectively in every key aspect of our housing service.

This part of the web page summarises the arrangements we have put in place to put this commitment into practice.

Our Tenant Participation Strategy, which was drawn up together tenant's representatives, describes these arrangements in detail. You can also call 01382 307330 for a printed copy.

Getting involved

If you want to get involved in any of our participation activities please fill in the Get Involved form and send it to the address below or email it to

Email: haveyoursay@dundeecity.gov.uk
Tel:  Mark Cooper 01382 307330

Dundee Federation of Tenants' Associations
10 Constitution Road
Dundee DD1 1LL
Tel: 01382 305718

Website: www.dundeefed.org