Dundee Homefinder Service helps people to secure good quality, affordable housing in the private rented sector.
We supply properties citywide in an area that suits you and working together we can often house you quicker than you might think.
If you are considering arranging your own viewings of private rented properties you may wish to use our Viewing Private Sector Rented Properties - Tenant Checklist. Viewing Private Sector Rented Properties - Tenant Checklist that provides important information to help you make the right decision, if you are looking to rent a property for less than three unrelated people. You can download the leaflet using the link, or you can collect a leaflet from any council office.
Contact Details
Email: homefinder@dundeecity.gov.uk
Tel: 01382 433003
Dundee Homefinder Service, East District Housing Office
169 Pitkerro Road, Dundee DD4 8ES