Don’t Know Where To Find A Good Landlord? Dundee Landlord Accreditation Has The Answer...
Are you looking for a good quality, professionally managed property at a reasonable rent?
Dundee Landlord Accreditation (DLA) is designed to help you find good private rented housing.
The aim of DLA is to raise the standards in the private rented sector by encouraging landlords to maintain their properties in a safe and decent condition, in good repair and with a good standard of management.
Accredited landlords and letting agents have agreed to uphold a Code of Standards set out by the scheme relating to both the condition and the management of the property. Some of these standards are statutory (compulsory by law) and others are recognised good practice.
What are the benefits for a tenant renting from an Accredited Landlord or letting agent?
- Good quality accommodation.
- Assurance that an agreed code of standards will be followed for both property and management.
- Confidence that your landlord or letting agent is professional and reputable.
- A list of registered members.
- A clear and reasonable tenancy agreement.
- Information and support with your rights as a tenant.
- Provision of a Tenants’ Handbook.
Make sure your next landlord is an accredited landlord
How to find Accredited landlords, letting agents and properties
Look for the logo
- It will be displayed on the advert and/or in the property window. This will identify the property as accredited.
- Ask to see Accreditation Identity Card. This will identify the landlord as accredited.
Letting Agents:
Look for the logo
- This will be clearly displayed and will identify the Letting Agent as being accredited. However, some properties will be accredited and others will be non-accredited. All accredited properties will be clearly marked on all accommodation lists and adverts. If you are in any doubt just ask the letting agent.
Contact Details
Dundee Landlord Accreditation
Email: dla@dundeecity.gov.uk
Tel: 01382 307118