Construction and demolition sites
In dealing with building sites and such, it should be borne in mind that whatever the resolution to the problem might be, there will inevitably be some noise from the development. The construction (or demolition) process invariably results in noise impacting to a degree on neighbouring properties. That is not to say that the noise cannot be managed in someway.
There are a few options available to the Council to remedy the problem and although we do have powers available to stipulate the type of equipment that can be used on site, or the noise levels permitted at the site boundary, the most effective and practical method is to restrict the working hours for the site.
In general, though not cast in stone, the permitted working hours for a construction / demolition site in Dundee are as follows:
Day | Operating Hours |
Monday to Friday | 7.00am to 6.00pm |
Saturday | 8.00am to 1.00pm |
Sunday | No working |
Public / local holidays | No working |
The above relates to work that could reasonably be expected to cause noise, for example, the use of plant and equipment, hammering, drilling etc. It would not prevent decorators being on site late into the evening. Occasionally work may be required to be done out with of the above hours for a variety of reasons. To that end, developers wishing specific exemptions to the above should contact the Council via the details listed below to discuss this in advance of the work.
Do-It-Yourself work
It should be noted that the above may also extend to D-I-Y work, which although can be done during the normal working day, is more often than not carried out when you get home from work. Everyone is entitled to maintain and improve their home, and it would be unreasonable to prevent someone from carrying out D-I-Y work. However, making some noise for a couple of hours in the early evening over a few nights of the week may be acceptable, working to say 10pm every night of the week is perhaps stretching the tolerance of those living nearby and is likely to lead to complaints.
It is also worth keeping in mind that whilst time restrictions can be placed on developments / D-I-Y work, an inevitable consequence will be that the build / project takes longer to complete.
Tel: 01382 433710 Option 6