In March 2022, the Dundee Drugs Commission delivered a review of progress on its original recommendations.
The commission met for six months in 2021 to look at the situation two years on from the publication of its original report ‘Responding to Drug Use with Kindness Compassion and Hope’.
The specialist panel was originally set up by the Dundee Partnership as a response to an increasing number of drug-related deaths in the city.
The review report found that the Partnership has made genuine and extensive efforts to address the drugs challenge in Dundee, but also that there was a great deal more to do. It contains a number of recommendations.
You can download the report and supporting evidence below.
- DDC Review - Part 1 - The Report: Time for Kindness, Compassion and Hope. The Need for Action Two Years On (840KB PDF)
- DDC Review - Part 2 - Supporting evidence (2.01MB PDF)
Other downloads:
- Responding to Drug Use with Kindness, Compassion and Hope Report (1.98MB PDF)
- Responding to Drug Use with Kindness, Compassion and Hope, Part Two - Supporting Evidence - Background (2.95MB PDF)
- Responding to Drug Use with Kindness, Compassion and Hope, Part Three - Supporting Evidence - Background (2.51MB PDF)