Dundee Partnership

The Dundee Partnership Vision

The Dundee Partnership shared a common vision in the City Plan 2017-2026. This has been updated for the City Plan 2022-2032 to reflect the current language but remains built around creating jobs, social inclusion and the greener quality of life in the city. It reflects a consensus in the city which we can all work towards and is set out as follows:

Dundee will:

  • Be a caring city which has tackled the root causes of poverty and delivered fairness in incomes, education and health;
  • Have a strong, smart and sustainable city economy with jobs and opportunities for all;
  • Be a greener city, made up of strong communities where people feel empowered, safe and proud to live.

View The City Plan 2022-2032

Further information in relation to the work carried out by the Dundee Partnership can be found on the below webpages:

Contact Us
You can also send us your comments and queries and respond to consultation documents by emailing us at dundee.partnership@dundeecity.gov.uk