![This image shows the Modern Council priority icon This image shows the Modern Council priority icon](/sites/default/files/council_plan_modern_council_icon.png)
The Council has a number of plans and strategies that will be focussed on designing a modern Council.
These include:
- Long Term and Medium-Term Financial Strategy
- Capital Plan • Investment Strategy
- Transformation Programme
- Our People and Workforce Strategy
- Best Value Assurance Report and Self-Assessment Improvement Plan
- Communications Strategy
- Property Asset Management
- Digital Strategy
- Procurement Strategy
Given the financial challenges set out earlier, more radical transformation of services is key to delivering on this priority. We will not be able to deliver all services as they currently are.
Our modern Council for the future will:
- be lean and efficient with a clear set of priorities that deliver for Dundee citizens and communities, focusing resources where they can make the biggest difference;
- have a clear purpose and understanding about what the Council is best placed to deliver;
- have a structured approach to designing services with people and local communities;
- have adaptable and flexible structures which promote working across organisational boundaries with greater employee empowerment, integrated teams and agile workforce;
- help communities become more self-reliant and resilient doing more for themselves;
- work in collaboration more to moving partnership working across the city from good to great;
- have a values-based culture that will unlock and develop the skills and potential of our workforce
We will also continue to deliver Best Value for the Council by meeting the following objectives:
- Ensuring the Council remains financially sustainable and continues to provide good quality and efficient services.
- Continuing to invest, develop and engage with staff, ensuring that the organisation can address challenges and maximise opportunities.
- Fostering a culture of innovation and improvement and using greater business intelligence to ensure that services are designed and delivered to meet future needs.
- Strengthening local and national partnership working, maximising the opportunities arising from policy and structural change.
There are a number of key corporate programmes, strategies and plans that will support and enable the delivery of the Council Plan and these are being updated and will be reported to Committee during 2022/23 as follows:
Transformation Programme
Since 2008, the Council has been transforming services and initiated its long-term strategy to address the difficult financial environment in which it would be operating for the foreseeable future. Savings of over £147 million have been delivered so far.
Delivery of the sixth phase of the Council’s transformational programme, to be known as Transforming Dundee, will be critical in supporting future financial plans and long-term sustainability, better services to citizens and improving outcomes for all.
The new five-year programme will need to radically redesign services to meet changing demographics and demands, environment and technology, community empowerment and embracing new ways of working to address this challenge. Whilst the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic will have longer term implications, it has also shown what can be done to deliver services in a very different way and at pace, so the Council must harness these opportunities as part of its future service delivery.
The key areas of focus within Transforming Dundee will be:
Property Rationalisation
The Council will adapt to hybrid working to reduce the amount of office space to match demand. Savings will arise from the disposal of surplus assets, operational (including energy) cost savings from vacant buildings and income from any accommodation consequently rented to third parties. The Council will implement the 365 schools’ model across the city for the delivery of school and community-based services reducing the Council estate, and associated costs.
Digital Council
The Council will accelerate its move towards being a digital by default council, increasing the scope of customer services and improving the range and accessibility of online services and reducing the need for face-to-face contact. This will also include maximising the use of O365 across services and the streamlining and digitisation of internal processes. Savings will arise from automation and reduced employee costs.
Services Re-design
Structure of the Council - The Council will have an effective and dynamic leadership structure with clear roles and responsibilities and will align common services for maximum efficiency.
Children & Families Service – The Council will ensure best use of all resources available across this service due to its importance in delivery of key priorities (e.g. child poverty, closing the attainment gap and our Promise commitments), demographic pressures and the substantial budget associated with this service.
Waste Services - The Council will consider options to improve the efficiency of waste services across the city including route optimisation, fleet review and collections which ensure compliance with statutory responsibilities. Changes deployed will also take learning from other councils to deliver improvement on our performance on recycling.
Leisure & Culture Dundee – in partnership with the LACD Board will develop a new model of delivery of services that reflects the move to 365 schools and ensures sustainability of services in the future
City & Regional Shared Services
Working with our neighbouring councils, partners and the 3rd sector on collaborative projects, initiatives and opportunities to deliver efficiencies across the city and region.
Payments and Income Generation
The Council will review all third-party payments in light of the new City and Council priorities, as well as explore any new or additional income generating opportunities.
As work on the areas above develops, this will generate reports setting out changes proposed and actions that may have financial implications for the Council, and when required, reports will be considered by the appropriate Committees.
Our People Strategy 2022-2027
Our People Strategy and workforce planning will be among the key ways the Council can transform itself to meet its priorities and balance its budget. The implementation of the People Strategy and workforce planning will require an ongoing process of engagement with the Trade Unions and services to bring about change and develop our people.
We will be an employer of choice. People will be attracted to work with us, be ambitious to be developed and stay with us because they have the best experience to grow; resulting in improved outcomes by providing professional, efficient and customer focused services. In essence our vision is to continuously improve service delivery and to support and enable initiatives which make Council services more accessible, more convenient, more operationally effective and cost effective.
To achieve this, the new strategy and implementation plan aims to meet the changing need and improve outcomes by upskilling existing staff or recruiting new staff in the new areas to include;
- An explicit Meaningful Employee Journey developed.
- Quality Conversations and surveys to engage and inform our workforce regularly
- Modernise workforce practices, change and policies. Market our competitive edge in the Employer of Choice arena and employee offer/experience. Modernising terms and conditions.
- Review and reinvigorate our Employee and Leadership engagement.
- Transactional Working - It is recognised that automation of digital transactions facilitates significant benefit whilst reducing costs for organisations. This is also true of internal People Services transactions where automation is just as important and can also deliver efficiencies.
- Mobile, Agile and Flexible working - Our employees will be able to work in remote ways, access systems from any authorised device and from any location, and we will support them to do so with skills, knowledge and confidence.
- Digital Learning and Teaching – Deliver digital technologies to support learning environments suitable for learning in the 21st century.
Some of the key elements of Our People Strategy 2022-2027 are in response to the environment most organisations have arrived at post pandemic, e.g., challenges around recruitment of key posts, different working patterns and the employer offer in a competitive environment and the retention of our talent to deliver on outcomes and supporting workforce change
Digital Strategy 2022-2027
Our Digital Strategy outlines our approach to embedding digital across all that we do in a way that aligns with our priority to design a modern council and ensures we work collaboratively to maximise opportunities from emerging digital technologies and new ways of working and doing business.
The Council already benefits from a stable and efficient IT environment. Building on this we aim to source and deliver digital technologies and processes which can support our people and our customers to work better together, get things done and contribute to an efficient and effective Council.
When fully implemented the strategy will lead to efficiencies, savings and improved services for Council staff and customers.
Our goals as a digital council are to:
• Be inclusive and put customer needs first
• Make services more efficient through the adoption of new ways of working enabled by technology.
• Put services online and encourage our people and customers to use them by default.
• Be automated with minimal manual processing
• Be secure and accessible anytime.
Communications Strategy 2022-2027
The Communications Strategy sets out a vision for how we promote awareness of Council services and priorities, engage with citizens, encourage positive behaviour change and collaborate across our workforce.
It is extensively shaped by learning from the Coronavirus pandemic, a crisis which demonstrated like never before the critical importance of effective communication, and builds on the progress made over the course of the previous strategy.
Having significantly grown the audience that the Council communicates directly with through digital channels, a key priority over the coming years will be increasing engagement. This will be achieved by providing useful and impactful content, encouraging appropriate dialogue and using analytics to assess the best times and platforms for sharing important information. There will also be an increased focus on inclusive communications, which are vital to ensuring all of our citizens are informed and empowered, and we will continue to engage with the media as platforms evolve to meet consumer demand.
The next phase of our Put Dundee on the Map city marketing strategy will help support the local tourism industry and encourage visitors not only to come to the city but to stay for longer.
Our employees all have a role to play in effective communications. Internal communications will be inclusive and two-way, as the Council continues to go through major changes, including the introduction of new technologies which are transforming the way we interact and collaborate.
![This picture shows a table of key actions and lead service areas for the Modern Council priority This picture shows a table of key actions and lead service areas for the Modern Council priority](/sites/default/files/modern_council_-_actions.png)
![This picture shows a table of key indicators containing historical data and future targets with long term trend for the Modern Council priority This picture shows a table of key indicators containing historical data and future targets with long term trend for the Modern Council priority](/sites/default/files/modern_council_-_indicators.png)