Protecting Adults in Dundee from Harm

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The Dundee Adult Support and Protection Committee exists to raise public awareness of the need to support and protect adults from harm, neglect or abuse. The Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 is designed to ensure that adults are kept safe from harm or abuse. This legislation places a duty upon local authorities (Councils), the Police, Health, and others to work together to protect "adults at risk". It gives authorities powers to make inquiries and take action when they suspect that an adult may be at risk of physical or psychological harm, neglect or sexual abuse, or being taken advantage of financially.

Act Now!  Contact

Dundee Health & Social Care Partnership First Contact Team
Tel: 01382 434019

This service operates Monday to Friday, 8.45am to 5.00pm. Contact outwith these hours can be directed to:

Out of Hours Service
Tel: 01382 307964 (answering machine 9.30am to 4.30pm)

Out of Hours Service operates during the following times:

  • Weekdays - 4.30pm to 9.30am
  • Weekends - 4.30pm (Friday) to 9.30am (Monday)

All public holidays are covered on a 24 hour basis