Health Inequalities

Health inequalities are unfair differences in health and wellbeing that exist mainly due life circumstances. Partnership working between communities, services and planners helps ensure that local health inequalities are prioritised and acted on (see Dundee Integration Joint Board's Plan for Excellence in Health and Social Care in Dundee and the Dundee Partnership City Plan). 

The Community Health Team is funded by Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership and the Council’s Community Learning and Development service. The team works in partnership with communities focusing on the most deprived areas, which are particularly affected by barriers to good health and wellbeing. It works alongside a range of partners to raise awareness of the wider influences on health and support community and service responses to health inequalities in Dundee. The approach includes: 

I din't even know that support was available to me, it's not until you come along to groups like this you get to hear about things.
  • Prioritising local health needs and solutions
  • Working together on issues of common concern
  • Building on community assets
  • Equity and inclusion
  • Influencing public policies and services

To find out more about the Community Health Team visit the CHT Dundee Website.