If you are interested in becoming involved in any of the activities below or you would like to find out more, then please get in touch with our Tenant Participation Team on 01382 307330. You can also complete a Tenant Scrutiny Interest Form and email it to haveyoursay@dundeecity.gov.uk
What is Tenants Scrutiny?
Tenant Scrutiny is more than just another tenant participation activity, it is a way of giving greater influence and ability to customers to hold their landlord to account. Tenant Scrutiny gives tenants and service users a way to become involved in looking at the running and performance of their housing services. We want to encourage you to be involved in checking how well we deliver services and make sure we take your views into account.
By getting involved you can
- Influence services and decision making within the council’s housing department.
- Help ensure we provide value for money.
- Receive training and support to develop your skills.
- Learn new skills which could help when looking for employment.
- Share your skills and knowledge with others.
- Meet other residents and service users.
Scrutiny activities you can get involved in
- Scrutiny Panel
- Area Panels
- Tenant Led Inspections
- Mystery Shopping
- Communications Group
Sign up to be a Scrutineer
- We are looking to recruit new Scrutineers for each of these activities.
- Do you want to learn new skills?
- Do you have any time to spare?
- If you think Scrutiny is for you and you would like to become a Scrutineer then please complete a Tenant Scrutiny Interest Form and email it to HaveYourSay@dundeecity.gov.uk
- You can also call our Quality and Performance Team on Tel: 01382 307330.