Community Outreach Clinics

How to contact Housing Services 

Website:- Housing Services

Referrals can be made by email or telephone to the following Housing Services :

Housing Options ServiceTel 01382 432001
Lettings Centre ServiceTel 01382 307400 
Repairs ServiceTel 01382 434343 
Tenancy and Estates ServiceTel 01382 307401

Housing Services can help with the following:

  • Support people to sustain their tenancy and encourage and facilitate independence, quality of life, safe guarding and promoting health and wellbeing by providing advice information and support on a wide range of issues.
  • Making a change to your tenancy
  • Tenancy and housing estates matters
  • Reporting a housing repair and Housing Asset enquiries
  • Communal cleaning and caretaking enquiries
  • Permissions, including alterations and adaptions
  • Mutual Exchanges
  • Terminations of Tenancies
  • Housing Options and Lettings enquiries
  • Homeless prevention enquiries
  • Rent collection and rent areas matters
  • Do you need help or advice to understand your benefits?

The service also works in partnership with other services that provide adult learning, health and lifestyle support, energy advice, benefit appeals, money advice for debts, carers, housing, Dundee employment services and many other local initiatives and can arrange appointments with them for you.

VenueDay and Time
Douglas Community CentreWednesdays, 10 am to 1 pm
Menzieshill Community CentreTuesdays, 10 am to 1 pm
Kirkton Community CentreThursdays, 11 am to 12.30 pm
Albert Street FoodbankThursdays, 1pm to 3.30 pm
Maxwell CentreTuesdays, 1pm to 4 pm
BrooksbankEvery Tuesday, 12 noon to 1pm
Lochee ChurchTuesdays, 10.45 am to 12.30 pm
Lochee LarderWednesdays, 12 noon to 2 pm
Dundee Women's Hub (Dudhope St)Thursdays, 1pm to 4 pm
Bella Centre1st Wednesday of the month
Perth Prison/Glenogil PrisonOnce a month (EDL depending)
Just BeeFridays, 11 am to 1 pm