English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

The Dundee City Council ESOL team helps low level ESOL learners to realise their potential by gaining language and other skills to participate more fully in community, family, employment and learning.

Before coming to this class I no confident to speak but now  I have confident to speak  to other in English.Are you over 18 and live in Dundee? Do you want to learn English? Our free classes and activities can help you to:


  • Manage going to the doctor or shopping by yourself
  • Help your children with their homework
  • Move on to college or other learning
  • Get a new or better job
  • Become more confident
  • Get more involved in your community
  • Start volunteering
  • Make new friends and have fun!

The Dundee City Council ESOL Team offer a range of part time English classes at 1 Shore Terrace (morning, afternoon, and evening).

We have 5 levels: Foundation (starting with the alphabet), Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate. Some classes are run in partnership with the Dundee and Angus College. Our classes are free of charge and childcare is available for some classes. We work with other teams to support our learners to progress into further learning, employment, and community life.

We also run a range of English Clubs, Social Groups and Conversation Cafés in various locations across Dundee. You can practice your spoken English with our local Volunteers, take part in fun activities, find out useful information and make new friends.

If you would like to improve your English, please contact us at Shore Terrace.  Email shoreterrace@dundeecity.gov.uk

You can find out more about our activities and follow the ESOL team on Facebook