Policies and Procedures

Dundee City Council is a signatory to the Enforcement Concordat Good Practice Guidance agreed between the Scottish Government, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities and Local Authorities Co-ordinating Body on Food and Trading Standards.

The Environmental and Consumer Protection Committee has approved a Food Safety Enforcement Policy statement based on the Concordat principles.

Our Food Safety Enforcement Practices will be guided by this policy and carried out in line with our documented Enforcement Policy Operating Procedures.

Our duties will be carried out by focusing on five key objectives:

Objectives                   Duties
Key Objective 1 Regulate food safety and food standards through a range of planned enforcement activities
Key Objective 2 Respond to, then seek to resolve food safety and food standards problems brought to our attention, including outbreaks of food borne illness and food safety emergencies
Key Objective 3 Provide food safety and food standards advice to all sections of the community and liaise with other bodies on food related matters
Key Objective 4 Develop and support staff in their duties
Key Objective 5 Make efficient and effective use of our resources

Tel: 01382 433710 Option 6
Email: food.safety@dundeecity.gov.uk