Orchar Park

Orchar Park Broughty Ferry, became a part of the City of Dundee in 1923, under the Extension of the City Act. In 1887, on the occasion of the First Jubilee of Queen Victoria, the conversion of the lease of the ground was acquired by the Commissioners, of the Burgh at that time and in 1890 James Guthrie Orchar (1825–1898), who was for many years Provost of Broughty Ferry, at his own expense, erected the wall and railing by which the Park is surrounded. This public resort was named “Orchar Park” in honour of Provost Orchar, who had done much towards obtaining the Park for the community.

Orchar Park is located within the Broughty Ferry neighbourhood featuring landscaped grass and shrub areas, sustainable planting, flowering bulb areas, play facilities, football area, as well as paths linking to Broughty Ferry Esplanade. As part of the recently voted on Dundee decides Projects, Outdoor exercise equipment has been installed in Orchar Park.

There are no public toilet facilities available here.

Contact Details

Email:  environment@dundeecity.gov.uk
Tel No: 01382 433710 Option 6