Fixed Penalty Notices

Persons in control of no smoking premises/vehicles are liable to a fixed penalty notice of £200 if they do not take steps to prevent someone smoking in the premises/vehicle or if they do not provide adequate and appropriate no smoking signage. Individuals who smoke in a no smoking premises or vehicle are liable to a fixed penalty notice of £50.

These fines are reduced to £150 and £30 respectively if paid within 15 days.

How to pay a Fixed Penalty Notice

Online: Using our Online Payment System

By Telephone: If you have a credit or debit card, you can pay your fine by calling 01382 433308 during office hours and giving your credit/debit card details and fixed penalty information.

By Post: Cheques or postal orders should be made payable to "Dundee City Council"

(Your name, address and the Penalty notice number should be written on the reverse of the cheque/postal order)

Dundee City Council
Executive Director of Corporate Services
Dundee House
50 North Lindsay Street

Persistent offenders may be reported to the Procurator fiscal. Cases heard in the Sheriff Court may result in a fine against the defendant of up to £2500.

How to Request a Hearing

If you wish contest a Notice you must do so within the 29 day payment period by lodging a request for a hearing in writing with the:

Service Manager, Regulatory Services
5 City Square
Dundee DD1 3BA