Dundee City Council has approved a strategy for the management of Dundee's Public Open Spaces.
The document sets out a vision for greenspaces in Dundee showing how we will work towards that vision.
The Pubic Open Space Strategy is being reviewed as part of the development of the council's Land Asset Management Plan.
For further details please contact:
Email: alison.anderson@dundeecity.gov.uk
Tel: 01382 434737
- Public Open Space Action Strategy (370KB PDF)
Dundee is fortunate to possess nationally well known and prestigious greenspaces including Camperdown Park and the recently restored Baxter Park. However the City's Open Space also encompasses a variety of lesser known sites including public parks, woodlands, river corridors, pedestrian areas, landscaped areas and wildlife sites.
New Scottish Government planning legislation, Scottish Planning Policy 11 (SPP11), requires each local authority area in Scotland to undertake the production of a Public Open Space Strategy. In particular there is an increasing emphasis on recognising the benefits of open space in terms of promoting increased levels of physical activity and wellbeing for the people of Scotland. This is seen as crucial in combating Scotland's obesity epidemic and poor health record.
To take forward the Strategy, greater collaboration between the public, private and voluntary sectors is being encouraged at a strategic level under the auspices of the Dundee Partnership. The partnership approach also works through providing a link into the community planning process and aims to benefit all those who use and enjoy the City's greenspaces including citizens, local businesses and tourists.