Burial Ground Charges (including Woodland Burials)

April 2023-24

Following the introduction of new Government policy, burial charges only apply for burials undertaken for those age 18 and over.

Interments in Purchased GroundUsual HoursSaturdays
Age 17 years and under£0.00£0.00
18 and over£687.50£1,044.00
Fee for extra depth£84.00 
Interment of cremated remains£220.00£328.00
Interments in Semi-Private GroundsUsual HoursSaturdays
Age 17 and under£0.00£0.00
Adult - 18 years and over£450.00£659.00
Sale of Lair  
Fees for sale of lair
(inclusive of headstone foundation)
Fee for title deeds£82.50 
Fee for perpetuities£766.00 
Sale of Half LairBirkhill and
Pitkerro Grove
Perth Road
Fee for half lair
(inclusive of headstone foundation)
Fee for title deed£82.50£82.50
Fee for perpetuities on half lair£527.00£527.00
Additional FeesCharge
Interment of still born children in Purchased or Semi-Private LairsNo charge
Permission to Scatter Ashes£59.00
Exhumation Fee150% of Interment Fee
applicable at date of exhumation
Supply of Duplicate Title Deed Certificate£82.50
Family history research fee£43 per hour
Ad hoc queries£10
Memorial FeesFee
Permission and Inspection Fee£238.00
Foundation fee£119.00
Memorial Mason registration fee£216.00
Memorial plaquesVarious
New Ashes Lair with Interment, Mon-Fri£1,240.00
New 6 ft Lair with Interment£2,333.00
New 7 ft Lair with Interment£2,417.00