Working with Children and Young People

Dundee CLD Youth Work Teams work collaboratively across the city with schools and a range of partners to deliver learning opportunities and activities for young people aged 11 (P7) -18 years old across all communities with a particular focus on areas of the city with the highest levels of SIMD.
Participation in Youth Work can help young people:
- Become confident, resilient and optimistic about the future;
- Manage personal, social and formal relationships;
- Create, describe and apply their learning;
- Participate safely and effectively in groups;
- Consider risk, make reasoned decisions and take control;
- Express their voice and demonstrate social commitment;
- Broaden their perspectives through new experiences and thinking.

- Focused Health and Wellbeing
- Skills for Life, and Work including Volunteering
- Diversionary Programmes
- Supported Transitions from Primary to Secondary School
- Opportunities for young people to have their voices heard
We recognise learning, development and achievements through various accreditation programmes.
Community Support and Youth Diversionary Youth Fund Awards Summary of 2023 Awards
Please contact the youth teams through their Instagram pages.