Groups and services across Dundee are opening their doors this winter. Come along and try new activities, have something to eat or just have a cup of tea and a chat! St Mary's Community Church 37 St Kilda Road, DundeeTel: 01382 919119When?What's happening?Thursday, 12noon-1.30pmCommunity CafeHot food and drinks at low costWednesday, fortnightlyFree evening supper club for socially isolated and/orundernousiehd over 55s. Referral necessaryClare Martin, Tel: 07956619210Drop in or contact churchChurch Food BankTel: 01382 818118 St Mary's Community Centre 39 St Kilda Road, DundeeTel: 07908727199When?What's happening?Friday, 11am-1pmCommunity Recovery CafeFree - hot food and drinksFriday, 4pm-6pmFriday family teaFree hot meal and puddingFriday, 10am-12noonDCC Connect TeamBenefits advice and supportKenna Balion, 01382 431168Thursday, 3.30-5pmWhat Matters To YouFree family groupWednesday, 9.30-11amTeddy Bears Parent & Toddler GroupMonday, 3.30-4.45pm, P4 to P6Tuesday, 3.30-4.45pm, P1 to P3Kids Club - charge 50pWednesday, 3.30-4.30pmWednesday, 4.45-5.45pmKeyboardGuitarContact: St Leonard's & St Fergus Church St Leonard's Place, DundeeTel: 01382 825203When?What's happening?Wednesday, 10am-3pmCosy SpaceTea and Coffee Strathmartine Community Larder St Giles Terrace, DundeeWhen?What's happening?Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri9.30am-4pmAccess to affordable food - cost starts at £3 St Columba's Church Derwent Avenue, DundeeWhen?What's happening?Wednesday, 11am-1pmFree community cafe St Lukes Church St Lukes Road, DundeeWhen?What's happening?Tuesday, 10am-3pmWednesday, 10am-3pmCafe and food/clothes bankFrom £1 Ardler Complex Turnberry Avenue, Dundee DD2 3TPTel: 07960241121When?What's happening?Monday-Friday, 10am-2pmLow-cost menu itemsTuesday & Thursday, 3.30-5pmMeal and a drink £1Wednesday, 10am-12noonMacmillan Benefit Services - freeTuesday, 10am-1pmAppointment only - benefits supportTo book tel: 01382 431188 option 2 Ardler Village Trust Turnberry Avenue, DundeeWhen?What's happening?Wednesdays during NovemberThen Tues, Wed & Thurs from December10am-3pmCommunity Fridge