The key role of a Councillor is to act as a voice of local people - helping individual residents, representing their local area, making decisions on strategies and services for the City as a whole and scrutinising the performance of officers. Councillors also have major responsibilities for setting budgets and as employers.
This webpage sets out some of the key aspects of the role of all Councillors, and those with specific responsibilities.
All Councillors should:
- Hold regular surgeries at which constituents can seek advice and assistance; develop a working knowledge of key Council services and contacts to assist in dealing with constituents' queries; and maintain appropriate systems for sending and following up correspondence on case work.
- Represent their local area within the Council and with other agencies, making sure its needs are taken into account in planning services and allocating resources, and be a visible, contactable voice for the area.
- Maintain contact with local groups and organisations; develop knowledge of local issues; and encourage community involvement in the work of the Council.
- Prepare for, and participate constructively in, all meetings of the Council, committees, working groups etc, and develop a knowledge of standing orders and the conduct of meetings.
- Understand the key processes within the Council, including the way services are planned and budgets are set, and the key policy and strategic issues facing the Council and the City as a whole.
- Make decisions fairly and on the basis of the facts. In particular, maintain knowledge of the law and relevant policies in carrying out regulatory functions such as development quality, licensing applications and personnel appeals, on which the Council acts in a quasi-judicial manner.
- Scrutinise the performance of the Council's Departments. Read and ask questions on reports to ensure high standards of public services are maintained.
- Represent the Council on outside bodies and on joint boards.
- Provide political advice to the Chief Executive and the Council's Management Team.
- Make a commitment to ongoing personal and professional development.
- Build appropriate relationships with, and show respect for, other members, representatives of partner organisations and the Council's employees.
- Demonstrate commitment to equality and seek to represent all individuals and groups equally and impartially.
- Demonstrate commitment to the principles of selflessness, honesty, integrity, objectivity, openness, accountability and respect for others. Always act in accordance with ethical standards and the code of conduct.
Members of the Administration and those holding Convenerships should, in addition:
- Remit officers to develop policies, plan services and establish budgets to meet the City's needs in compliance with the law and good practice guidelines.
- Provide leadership and direction to the Council overall and to any services for which they have specific responsibility.
- Form effective working relationships with the Council's Management Team and other senior officers.
- Ensure that Committee and working group meetings are conducted effectively in accordance with standing orders and encourage participation and debate.
- Represent the Council to outside bodies, and develop effective relationships with the Scottish Government and partner organisations.
- Speak and undertake public relations activities on behalf of the Council, to ensure its policies and decisions are effectively communicated.
Members of the Opposition should, in addition:
- Support the democratic process by ensuring that the Administration is effectively examined and challenged.
- Bring forward alternative proposals where appropriate.
The Lord Provost (and anyone deputising for her / him) should, in addition:
- Act as the civic and ceremonial head of the Council.
- Chair meetings of the full Council.
- Attend and host civic and ceremonial functions.
- Speak for the Council as a whole on non-political issues.
- Promote the image and profile of the City.