Supplying To The Council

A Review of Public Sector procurement activity across Scotland was undertaken in 2006 and a report by John McClelland entitled "Review of Public Procurement in Scotland" was published thereafter. Further information on this programme can be found on the Scottish Government website.

Key Priorities have been handed down from Scottish Government and a summary of these can be found at Scottish Procurement. There are a number of key priorities which public sector seeks to deliver as follows:

  • Maximise efficiency and collaboration
  • Deliver and demonstrate real cash savings across the public sector
  • Improve access to public sector contracts, particularly for SME's
  • Embed sustainable procurement at the heart of the reform agenda
  • Deliver on the Community Wealth Building agenda


Contract Terms and Conditions

Dundee City Council contract terms and conditions are based on the model terms and conditions used by the Scottish Government, for Scottish Public Sector Buying organisations.

For suppliers of goods and services, please download the relevant terms and conditions:

Dundee City Council's Procurement process delivers contracts which are either advertised via Public Contracts Scotland or via a number of national contracts. These include Scottish Procurement national contracts open to all public bodies, Scotland Excel the Centre of Procurement Expertise for Scotland's local government sector.

Sustainability Tool - Net Zero Toolkit

The NetZeroToolkit is a free tool designed to assist small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) in creating effective carbon reduction strategies. By focusing on eight essential aspects of their operations, SMEs can identify, measure, and strategically reduce their CO2 emissions, working towards achieving Net Zero by 2040.

Contact can be made with the Corporate Procurement Team at

Contact Details:

Julie Thompson
Corporate Procurement Manager
Tel: 01382 433860

Floor 4, Dundee House
50 North Lindsay Street
Dundee, DD1 1NZ

Meet The Buyer Tayside Contacts (as at March 2025)