Development Plans And Regeneration

The Development Plans and Regeneration Team is responsible for the preparation of the new Dundee Local Development Plan, as well as the preparation of appropriate Supplementary Guidance documents. It is also responsible for the formulation, development and implementation of strategies for community regeneration, the preparation of master plans and planning briefs for development sites and the development and management of environmental improvement projects. 
The National Planning Framework 4 provides the long-term spatial strategy, with a comprehensive set of national planning policies, to form part of the statutory development plan (see is external) for further details).


Free planning advice available

Planning Aid Scotland is an educational charity that offers a free, impartial and confidential Advice Service to help with planning issues, whether about your own home or wider planning issues in your community.

The Advice Service supports members of the public, community groups and business start-ups through its network of specialist planners, volunteers and staff. Visit Planning Aid Scotland's website.(link is external)

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