
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency is responsible for running Scotland's flood warning system and through its Floodline service issues alerts for areas at risk from river and/or coastal flooding as weather conditions dictate.  Comprehensive information is available on SEPA's website, including current flood alerts, how to prepare for and deal with a flood and answers to many frequently asked questions relating to flooding.  Property owners can also register to have flood warnings sent directly to their phone.  For additional flooding advice Property owners and community groups can also contact the Scottish Flood Forum on 0131 563 9392, Monday to Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm.

Flooding may also occur when drainage systems are overwhelmed during extreme rainfall events.

Scottish Water is responsible for dealing with the immediate impact of flooding from sewers.  Contact 0800 0778 778  or visit Scottish Water's website.

Dundee City Council is responsible for surface water drainage systems associated with the adopted road and footway networks, and for carrying out clearance and repair works to a relevant body of water where they would substantially reduce the risk of flooding.

Whilst owners have the primary responsibility for protecting their property from flooding, Dundee City Council provides the following assistance during flood events:-

  • provide advice on flooding related issues
  • offers sandbags for flood protection during flood events and in the case of an emergency, subject to prioritisation. Note that sandbags are not issued as a precautionary measure unless it is during a flood event, an emergency situation, and there is a high degree of certainty of a specific flood risk. The issue of sandbags is also always at the discretion of Dundee City Council (Road Maintenance Partnership/Tayside Contracts)
  • work with emergency services in response to severe flooding
  • co-ordinate shelter for people evacuated from house
  • provide inspection and assessment following a flood event

Further information can be found in the Dundee City Council:

For further information on Flooding matters, please contact our Switchboard on 01382 434000.  For Emergencies after 5pm, Weekends and Public Holidays  call 01382 434343.

The Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 requires the relevant responsible authorities to work together to produce a co-ordinated "Local Flood Risk Management Plan" to reduce the overall risk of flooding from whatever source. Consequently, Dundee City Council work in partnership with Scottish Ministers, SEPA, Scottish Water, Angus Council, Perth and Kinross Council, Aberdeenshire Council and Fife Council to produce a "Local Flood Risk Management Plan" covering the Tay Estuary and Montrose Basin Local Plan District.  The Plan is published in six year cycles which started in 2016, with the main aim being to determine a pre-emptive, rather than reactive, approach to flooding. As lead local authority for the partnership, Angus Council is responsible for publishing the agreed Plan for the Tay Estuary and Montrose Basin Local Plan District.

Cycle 1 (2016-2022)

The Cycle 1 "Local Flood Risk Management Plan" can be accessed via Angus Council's website.  As required by the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009, an Interim Report on the Cycle 1Tay Estuary and Montrose Basin Local Flood Risk Management Plan has also been prepared by Angus Council and shows the progress made in delivering the actions to avoid and reduce the risk of flooding, and prepare and protect ourselves and our communities across the local plan district. View the Cycle 1 Interim Report.

Cycle 2 (2022-2028)

The cycle 2 Local Flood Risk Management Plan for the Tay Estuary and Montrose Basin Local Plan District is currently being finalised and is expected to be published in 2024. 

Flood Resilience Strategy For Scotland

As part of Scotland’s National Adaptation Plan and wider Just Transition commitments, the Scottish Government is developing a Flood Resilience Strategy which will focus on what we need to do to make our communities more flood resilient over the coming decades.

The Scottish Government consultation on the Flood Resilience Strategy launched on the 20 May - Flood Resilience Strategy: consultation - Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space.  Consultation closes on 13 August 2024. The Flood Resilience Strategy will set out what Scotland needs to do in the long term to create a flood resilient Scotland. The consultation paper sets out the principles the Scottish Government think should guide the strategy and the three key themes of people, places, and processes.  Flooding is our biggest climate adaptation challenge and the Scottish Government want to hear views from as many individuals and organisations as possible.