School Clothing Grants

If you are in receipt of Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance - Income Based, Income Related Employment and Support Allowance, Universal Credit (where take home pay is not more than £796 per month), Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Reduction or Child Tax Credit with an income of less than £19,995 (as assessed by HMRC), you may be entitled to receive a grant towards the cost of buying essential clothing to enable children up to the age of 16 to attend school.

Grants are paid directly into your bank account. If you do not have a bank account we will contact you to discuss other payment options.

The current value of a Clothing Grant is £125 per primary school child and £155 per secondary school child.

This questionnaire will help you decide if you need to complete an application form,

Automatic awards

Most families will get an automatic award, which means they will not need to fill in a new application form each year.

You get an automatic award if you meet these conditions:

  • you got an award in 2024/25 and
  • you get Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction.

Payments will be made from 07 July onwards.

Otherwise, you must apply.

You will not get an automatic award if your child is entering P1.

Application forms can be submitted online:

School Clothing Grant Application Form

If you are not already in receipt of Council Tax Reduction and think you may qualify please submit a CTR application form instead. This form also covers free school meals and Clothing Grants.

Council Tax Reduction Application Form

If we've asked you to provide documents and/or information to support a claim you can supply this information using our online evidence upload form.

If you require any further information or assistance please contact:

Customer Contact Centre
Tel: 01382 433458