The primary aim of Integrated Children’s Services (ICS) is for all organisations to work in partnership to improve the lives of children, young people and parents/carers in Dundee. This means that Dundee City Council, NHS Tayside, Police Scotland, the Third Sector, private sector and communities jointly focus their resources where they are needed most in order to reduce inequalities and to help families to thrive. Services support the implementation of the
Tayside Plan for Children, Young People and Families 2023-26, which outlines our key priorities and aims:
- Early Years - children will have the best start in life, they will be cared for and supported to learn in nurturing environments
- Education - children, young people and families will be meaningfully engaged with learning and extend their potential
- Health - children and young people will be physically, mentally and emotionally healthy
- Inequality - children and young people who experience inequalities will achieve comparable outcomes with others
- Protection - children and young people will be safe and protected from harm at home, in school, and in the community
In practice, this means that, as a partnership, we work together to implement all aspects of Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC), The Promise, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and Scotland's incorporation of the UNCRC into law. It means that a range of professionals, such as Midwives, Health Visitors, Teachers and other School Staff, Social Workers, Police Officers and Third Sector organisations try to identify problems early, support families to build on their strengths and provide guidance and support to help address different types and levels of need. We have a particular focus on the following vulnerable groups and issues:
We engage with communities and families to jointly identify priorities and develop shared responses. We also continually evaluate the impact of what we do, including obtaining the views of children, young people and families about their experiences of services and the extent to which they consider they have made a positive difference to their lives. Our approach towards engagement and evaluation will help us to learn about the needs of communities and whether we need to change the range or type of services we provide to meet these needs.