All schools in Dundee are now using the Parents Portal, and this page contains information on how to use it. This video is a great introduction - Parents Portal.
The portal has been developed to help provide parents/carers with information on their child's education and to support transactional home-school communications. It uses a convenient, online system which can be accessed via mobile devices. The Parents Portal securely links your My Gov account to the Seemis Click and Go database in yourt child's school.
The Parents Portal allows you to
- report your child's absence to their school
- view progress reports for your child
- complete the annual data check for your child
- complete some permission/consent forms
- apply for a Junior National Entitlement Card (JNEC) for free bus travel for children aged 5-11.
(From age 11, children can apply for the Young Scot NEC, available from - the Junior NEC runs out on their 12th birthday). - update your own and your child’s details at any time
- view the school calendar
- view your child’s timetable
- view and access websites and school social media, where available
- access online school payments (ParentPay)
Office Staff in each school can help you to get started and to use the Portal. View details of how to download the Parents Portal Mobile App.
Click these links for further information:
Information Video
FAQs for Parents/Carers
Linking to your child's records
Reporting your child's absence
Completing the Annual Pupil Data Check
Free Bus Travel