Available From: Immediately
City Centre
91.04 sq.m (980 sq.ft)
The City Centre is accessed from Marketgait, the inner ring road and Dock Street (A92), the A92 being a main arterial route between Aberdeen and Fife. Murraygate, the main shopping precinct in Dundee, is a bustling area with many household names, including Marks & Spencer, Tesco & Costa. Various streets run perpendicular to Murraygate, most notably Commercial Street, Castle Street and Reform Street, occupied by nationals and independents and is flanked by the Wellgate Centre, on the East and the Overgate Centre, on the West.
The subjects comprise a modern mid-terraced industrial unit of steel portal frame construction with profile clad finish. The units benefit from both vehicle and pedestrian access doors, dedicated parking, a 3 phase power supply, a minimum 4 metres eaves height, WC facilities and connectivity to mains power, water and drainage. The subjects benefit from Use Classes 5 (General Industrial) and Class 6 (Storage & Distribution) but may suit a variety of different industrial/business uses or possible trade counter.
We have measured the property in accordance with RICS Code of Measuring Practice to be as follows:- Unit 13 - 91.0 sq.m. (980 sq.ft.)
Other Info
Each party will be responsible for their own legal costs incurred with any transaction.
Lease Details - The subjects are available on a full repairing and insuring basis at a rental of £10,000 per annum.
Rent - £10,000 per annum
Rateable Value - £6,700
Last Updated