Available From: Immediately
Unit 6 - Nethergate Business Centre
Unit 6 - Nethergate Business Centre
City Centre
115 sq.m (1,238 sq.ft)
The City Centre is accessed from Marketgait, the inner ring road and Dock Street (A92), the A92 being a main arterial route between Aberdeen and Fife. Murraygate, the main shopping precinct in Dundee, is a bustling area with many household names, including Marks & Spencer, Tesco & Costa. Various streets run perpendicular to Murraygate, most notably Commercial Street, Castle Street and Reform Street, occupied by nationals and independents and is flanked by the Wellgate Centre, on the East and the Overgate Centre, on the West.
The property comprises a ground floor office suite which forms part of the Nethergate Business Centre development and are accessed from Nethergate via an attractive refurbished common mall area. Unit 6 has a full window frontage to the mall of the Business Centre. A disabled toilet facility is situated within the mall. The unit is to be refurbished and will offer modern office accommodation. There is a gas fired radiator central heating system serving the unit.
The subjects are currently entered on the Valuation Roll as follows:- NAV/RV ' Office ' £12,100
Other Info
An annual service charge is payable and full details of the service charge budget for the current year will be made available from the joint letting agent.
Lease Details - The subject property is offered for lease on full repairing and insuring terms for a negotiable period. Rental offers of £7,440 per annum are invited (£6 psf).
Rent - £7,440 per annum
Rateable Value - £12,100
Last Updated