Groups and services across Dundee are opening their doors this winter. Come along and try new activities, have something to eat or just have a cup of tea and a chat! Barnhill St Margaret's Coffee and Chat, 1 Guthrie Terrace, Dundee, DD5 2SQFree coffee, tea, scones and cakes from 10am to 12noonFor more information please call 01382 737729 St. Mary's SEC, Broughty Ferry 3 Wyvis Place, Broughty Ferry, Dundee, DD5 3SXEmail: RectorSMBF@gmail.comWe are open to the public as a warm space, with hot refreshments, toilets, games and quiet places on Wednesdays, 11.15 am to 4 pm until the end of March. Pram Pushers Pop In St James Hall, Fort Street, Dundee, DD5 2ADThursdays 9am onwardsOpen to grandparents, parents, carers and childminders, pop in after taking the children to school for a cuppa. Warm Spot at St James St James Hall, Fort Street, Dundee, DD5 2ADThursdays, 11am to 3pmHot drinks, hot soup, a warm place and a warm welcome.