City Centre Community Clean-Up takes place

City Centre Community Clean-Up takes place Image

A Community Clean-Up has taken place this week in Dundee’s city centre area as part of the long-standing Take Pride in Your City campaign.

The campaign, which aims to make a difference to the city’s neighbourhoods, parks and open spaces, has held another three-day Community Clean-Up event and follows on from the first which took place in the city centre around a year ago.

During the three days, Council teams from the Environment Service, City Centre Management and Community Justice Service carried out additional works such as the removal of litter and debris, cleaning around bins as well as graffiti removal.

City centre stakeholders, such as local businesses, also got behind the initiative by carrying out clean-up activities in and around the city centre area.

A litter pick, led by McDonalds, and gardening activities also took place each day.

Climate, Environment & Biodiversity Convener Cllr Heather Anderson said: “The Community Clean-Ups have been made successful through the buy-in from the public, community groups and local stakeholders.

“A collaborative approach is key to tackling persistent neighbourhood-based issues such as litter, fly-tipping and graffiti. Council employees will continue to work with local communities around the city to make improvements to outdoor areas and also to provide support to communities to enhance their own areas themselves as well.

“This Community Clean-Up has been great to see so many businesses, organisations and residents continuing to get behind the initiative.”

Fair Work, Economic Growth & Infrastructure Convener Cllr Steven Rome said: “We all want to see Dundee city centre as an attractive destination to live in, work in or visit. Cleanliness and appearance play an important role in achieving that.

“It has been great to see the buy-in from local retailers and businesses through this City Centre Community Clean-Up. We are in close contact with city centre stakeholders and are always looking for new ways to make the area as appealing as possible for everyone.

“This Clean-Up will carry further positive momentum into the day-to-day work carried out by our City Centre management team.”

This initiative has previously taken place in several other areas of the city, with further Community Clean-ups planned for the future.

Information about upcoming Community Clean-ups will be communicated to directly to local residents ahead of them taking place.

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Stay Safe on Shared Paths

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