Budget and Council tax

Budget and Council tax Image

Dundee City Council has set a revenue budget of £493 million, the largest proportion of which (47%) is planned to be spent on Children and Families Services, with the Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership allocated 23%.

Council Tax will increase by 8.0% for the 2025/26 Financial Year, fixing the Band D rate at £1605.34. Almost three quarters (72%) of households in Dundee are in Bands A, B, or C and will therefore pay less than that amount.

Cllr Willie Sawers, Depute Leader of Dundee City Council said: “The setting of the budget for 2025/26 has been made more difficult by the financial pressures we face, notably the £7 million increase in employers’ National Insurance contributions imposed by the UK Government.

“While it has meant making some really tough decisions, we believe it’s a budget which supports communities across the city.

“We recognise how important Council services are to the public. This came through loud and clear in the Budget consultation process.

“This budget has struck a balance between finding the savings required of us as a local authority while also investing in the crucial services we provide to the whole of Dundee.

“We will continue to invest in the city’s future and its development – helping to create jobs, support young people through education and deliver on economic growth.

“Through this budget, the Council will invest £500,000 to tackle the Cost of Living Crisis, £160,000 for Economic Development and £300,000 to improve neighbourhoods and environments. 

“We want to see Dundee continue to grow and thrive. Our budget will help us to achieve this.”

Dundee Council Tax 2025/26:

Band A: £1,070.23
Band B: £1,248.60
Band C: £1,426.97
Band D: £1,605.34
Band E: £2,109.24
Band F: £2,608.68
Band G: £3,143.79
Band H: £3,933.08

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Council house improvements

Council house improvements

MORE THAN £2.4m of improvements to council houses in Dundee could be agreed by councillors next week.

Tenders to carry out work in Dryburgh, Menzieshill and Midmill/West Kirkton will be…
