Waterfront Milemarker Makeover

Waterfront Milemarker Makeover Image

Dundee City Council has teamed up with transport charity Sustrans to give a makeover to the Millennium Milemarker which was moved from Dundee Waterfront during the redevelopment of the area 

The Milemarker, which provides directions to people cycling on the National Cycle Network, has now been reinstalled and painted with a fresh new design by local artist Cara Rooney. 

Cycling Without Age Scotland, Alzheimer Scotland and Mid-Lin Day Care all attended workshops run by Cara to come up with the design, which celebrates the theme of movement around the Waterfront, as well as local wildlife and Dundee’s architectural heritage. The Fifies, Victoria Arch and even a seal all make an appearance! 

The Men’s shed in Broughty Ferry were also involved, cleaning up the Milemarker and painting the base coat. Local firm SDB contracts were then subcontracted via Tayside Contracts to install the Milemarker before Cara painted her design on it.  

Cara said “It was great to work alongside so many brilliant organisations, as well as individuals from Alzheimer Scotland and Mid-lin Day Centre to develop the design for the milepost. It was lovely to reminisce about elements of the waterfront from the past and present, and bring them together in a design inspired by different kinds of movement in the area. I hope people enjoy spotting the different elements of Dundee’s heritage and creatures of the Tay in the milepost.” 

City Council Fair Work, Economic Growth and Infrastructure convener Councillor Steven Rome said: "This is an inspiring project featuring ideas from local groups who will have benefited greatly from this experience. The Milemarker will really stand out at its prominent Waterfront location following this refresh." 

The Milemarker can be found at the Waterfront, just beside the Dundee Cycle Hub.  

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