Air Quality update

Air Quality update Image

Air Quality in Dundee has met all of the targets set in the ten locations where it continuously monitors according to a new report.

Councillors will be told next week that Dundee’s 2023 nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentration levels were again in compliance with the annual mean NO2 air quality objectives for Scotland.

Analysis for Particulate Matter 10 (PM10) and Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5) in 2023 showed a reduction in the annual mean levels for the common air pollutant when compared with 2022.

Also within the report, it is recommended that the 1-hour mean NO2 air quality objective component of the Dundee Air Quality Management Area be revoked as significant improvements have been made since 2013 with no exceedance of the objective taking place at the Lochee Road monitor, or any other monitor, in that time.

Climate, Environment & Biodiversity Committee Convener Cllr Heather Anderson said: “The Council’s current Air Quality Action Plan from 2011 includes wide-ranging measures aimed to achieve further improvements in air quality not just in specific locations but across the city.

“During 2023, we’ve installed bike storage units and EV charging infrastructure and increased fully electric vehicles within the Council’s fleet. We’ve also included another five schools in the School Streets scheme and undertaken improvements funded through the Places for Everyone scheme. All of this has contributed to improving local air quality.

“Readiness for the Low Emission Zone, such as the electrification of bus fleets in the city are considered to have played a significant part in recent air quality improvements. The LEZ has been successful in bringing about positive behavioural change and is crucial in maintaining further progress.”

Fair Work, Economic Growth & Infrastructure Convener Cllr Steven Rome added: “Our actions are having positive effects towards targeting air pollution in the city which is benefiting local people’s health. It’s important we continue this trend and throughout this year, there will be sustained support for active travel-related projects throughout the city, work being carried out to the EV infrastructure at Bell Street car park to create a Low Carbon Hub, and a significant review and update of the 2011 Air Quality Action Plan will carry momentum forward and tailor the work needed to continue to deliver in a Dundee-specific context.”

Additional funding from the Scottish Government Air Quality Action Plan grant scheme has been secured to help drive forward some of the proposed AQAP measures this financial year. Additional funding has also been awarded to Dundee City Council through the Scottish Government Local Air Quality Management grant scheme for LAQM related work.

City Councillors are also being asked to approve a statutory consultation on a proposed draft 2024 Dundee Air Quality Action Plan update.

The draft plan contains actions that Dundee City Council aim to deliver between 2024 and 2029 in order to maintain air pollutant concentrations below current air quality objectives and, where practicable, to reduce emissions further to protect health across the city.

The Climate, Environment & Biodiversity Committee meets on Monday 10th June.

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