Discover Work Partnership Annual Report

Discover Work Partnership Annual Report Image

Sector-based work academies (SBWAs) are playing a growing role in supporting unemployed people in Dundee back into work, a new report explains. 

The annual update of the Discover Work Partnership outlines how an increase in the frequency, variety and volume of these initiatives has been a contributing factor in a significant and sustained” performance. 

There has been a significant increase in the proportion of people entering a positive destination after engaging with the local employability pathway.  

SBWAs are designed around employer needs and involve a blend of accredited, vocational, employability, and workplace training. This is delivered by employability providers and Dundee & Angus College in partnership with employers and referral partners such as Job Centre Plus.   

In the last two years, SBWAs have been delivered with Discovery Flexibles, Social Security Scotland, NHS Tayside, Hillcrest, Dundee City Council (Parking Attendants and Social Care Officers), BT Group, Tayside Contracts, Sense Scotland, and Ember. 

Fair Work, Economic Growth and Infrastructure Commitee convener Councillor Steven Rome said: This report outlines the efforts that are being made across the wider Discover Work Partnership.  

“As part of this the council is continuously improving its employability support to be more effective at helping people to gain skills, while also assisting local employers to attract appropriately qualified and motivated staff.  

“The world of work has changed beyond recognition in the last few years, and the impact of the coronavirus pandemic is still being felt. It is vital that our employability services can help people overcome challenges and improve their prospects. 

 The entire Discover Work Partnership is determined to make a real difference to people’s lives by providing the right support to get them into employment and, crucially, sustain them there.”    

The report, which will be considered by the committee on Monday June 10, also outlines how the partnership is planning for the future.  

Councillors will hear that an investment of funds is being made to deliver support for the employability pathway programme over the next five years. 

This is being undertaken by the All-in Dundee consortium led by ENABLE Works in partnership with Alexander Community Development, Barnardo’s, Helm, One Parent Families Scotland, Street League and Volunteering Matters.  

Their application also showed other informal partners’ involvement such as Access to Industry, Dundee International Women’s Centre, Penumbra and Showcase the Street.   

Meanwhile, the committee will be told that a new effort has recently been launched to improve the situation for young people through the A Step Change in Positive Destinations for Young Dundonians Report and Improvement Plan. 

Discover Work members include Skills Development Scotland, Dundee and Angus College, the Department for Work and Pensions, Dundee City Council, Dundee & Angus Chamber of Commerce, Dundee Volunteer & Voluntary Action (Third Sector Interface), Developing the Young Workforce, Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership, NHS Tayside, Business Gateway, and Social Security Scotland. 

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