Additional £200,000 for environmental actions

Additional £200,000 for environmental actions Image

Councillors are being asked to note an update on an agreed additional £200,000 investment in city environment actions and activities.

The extra funding is earmarked for a range of activities aimed at positively contributing to the city’s environment including the recruitment of additional seasonal staff and supporting the ongoing community clean-up works.

Climate, Environment & Biodiversity Committee Convener Cllr Heather Anderson said: “This budget investment will allow us to hire an additional four temporary street cleaning staff for a six-month period this financial year, with their efforts focused specifically on the city-centre area.

“This additional budget will also support the external hire of a sweeping contractor for city-wide work and the hire of a deck scrubber to carry out cleaning of public spaces in the city centre area and the associated shopping district.

“Funding will also support the ongoing Community Clean-Up initiatives and investment in litter bins which will be distributed throughout the city.

“These environmental actions will contribute to the appearance of our shared public realm and be an additional boost to the great work that our Environment service carry out.”

The actions and activities will be taken forward in 2024/25 following agreement at the Council’s Budget-setting meeting which took place on Thursday 29th February.

The additional investment complements a wide range of ongoing initiatives across the Environment Service.

The city’s Climate, Environment & Biodiversity Committee meets on Monday 10th June 2024.

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