Castle Green play park refurbishment

Castle Green play park refurbishment Image

Work is to get underway next week on a £200,000 project to upgrade the play park at Castle Green, Broughty Ferry.

The works include replacement of the play equipment that is at the end of its life while bringing in the introduction of new accessible equipment catering for all ages and abilities.

Improvements to the play park are due to take place for six weeks and will result in the closure of the park for the duration to allow for the works to be undertaken safely.

The park will be re-opened in phases over the course of the works as play items are complete.

Climate, Environment & Biodiversity Convener Cllr Heather Anderson said: “It’s great that we continue to invest in our play facilities and also make them as accessible as possible for everyone.

“These new facilities will be state of the art for members of the public and their families to enjoy.

“The benefits of improved play park equipment are well known and are crucial to children’s cognitive development, mental health and social skills.”

The works taking place are part of the Council’s Neighbourhood Services programme of city-wide play park improvements.

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