Playpark and Environmental Improvements Proposed

Playpark and Environmental Improvements Proposed  Image

Playparks for children across Dundee are set to be improved if councillors approve reports at a committee meeting.

New play equipment for Castle Green in Broughty Ferry is being proposed with a tender worth £220,000.

The committee meeting will also consider a tender for new equipment at seven sites across Dundee worth £90,000.

These would be at:

Bridge Park at Balmossie

Malcolm Street Park

Orchar Park

Roseangle Park

Stirling Court Playpark

Tranent Playpark

Brackens Playpark

A report to the Fair Work, Economic Growth and Infrastructure committee will explain how the improvements at Castle Green will improve accessibility while also complementing nearby Active Travel enhancements.

A separate tender at the committee will propose over £550,000 of road crossing and safety measures as part of the major Broughty Ferry to Monifieth Active Travel project. The proposed works package to be delivered includes A930 traffic light controlled (Puffin) crossings along with pedestrian priority junction improvements at Panmure Street, Bridge Street (South of A930) and Collingwood Street and Collingwood Crescent at junctions with Bridge Street.

Meanwhile, over £40,000 is being proposed at the committee for environmental improvements at city parks.

Proposals include improvements to park signage at Dawson, Riverside and Caird Parks, as well as the installation of new rain shelters and wayfinding signage at Camperdown Park.

Commitee convener Councillor Steven Rome said: "Outdoor play is vital for our children's health and this investment will transform the facilities at Castle Green and provide new equipment for them to enjoy across the city.

"This is about making the city a better place for everyone and encouraging outdoor activity. Play parks are at the heart of our communities and we are working hard to make them as high quality as possible.

"I am also pleased to see a number of road initiatives being implemented at the Broughty Ferry to Monifieth active travel project as this will really help increase people’s confidence about safety in the area.”

Climate, Environment and Biodiversity convener Councillor Heather Anderson added: "It's now abundantly clear that the climate and nature crisis are two sides of the same coin.  Everything we do to support our natural environment and improve biodiversity helps us not just tackle climate change but also make this city be an even better place to live in.”

The committee meets on Monday February 19.

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