Dundee Climate Fund 2.0 voting to open

Dundee Climate Fund 2.0 voting to open Image

Voting opens next week for members of the public to decide which projects receive support as part of the city’s Dundee Climate Fund 2.0.

From Monday (15th January) people can decide which local community projects acting on climate change, reducing carbon emissions and engaging communities, they would give their backing.

The Dundee Climate Fund became the first council-led green participatory budgeting initiative in Scotland. The scheme has a total of 12 local projects currently benefitting from a share of around £385,000 from the first round of the Dundee Climate Fund.

Climate, Environment & Biodiversity Convener Councillor Heather Anderson said: “This is a fantastic initiative that gets support straight to the many Dundee-based projects that have great original, community-driven solutions for minimising carbon emissions within the city.

“Following the success of the first year of the Dundee Climate Fund, it’s important we continue to roll out this funding to local community groups on the ground implementing the positive change we all want to see in our city, the country and wider world.

“Residents can do their bit by voting directly for the projects they want to see get that backing.”

Depute Convener Councillor Nadia El-Nakla said: “It is always very encouraging to see the innovative and exciting schemes applying for funding with their creative ideas to address climate change locally, through the Climate Fund process.

“The participatory budgeting method has worked really well for this kind of endeavour and continues to allow members of the public to vote for the projects directly that they want to throw their weight behind.

“As a city, we are collectively working towards tackling the climate emergency and achieving net-zero. I look forward to seeing the exciting projects that receive funding flourish and contribute towards Dundee’s climate-focused work as the city-wide effort continues to grow and grow.” 

Dundee declared a climate emergency in 2019 to recognise the serious environmental, social and economic challenges faced by climate change, and launched the Dundee Climate Action Plan with the backing of local companies and organisations. 

Around 30 community generated ideas have been collected under the Dundee Climate Fund 2.0, through the use of extensive stakeholder engagement including its Idea Generation Speed Dating Workshop and public consultation within Community Centres. These themes consist of:

  • energy - reducing consumption, promoting energy efficiency, use of renewables; 
  • transport - encouraging active travel, decarbonising transport; 
  • waste - reducing waste, recycling, reusing resources; 
  • resilience - improving greenspaces, biodiversity, local food growing; and 
  • raising awareness (building capacity) - increasing awareness, engaging communities and young people in climate change. 

Information on each proposal and how to vote can be found on the Dundee Voice website.

Voting is open until 15th March, and the successful projects will be notified in the weeks following the end of the voting period. 

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