Multi storey lift replacement

Multi storey lift replacement Image

PEOPLE living in four of the city’s highest tower blocks have welcomed the start of a £1m-plus lift replacement programme.

And in a double-headed win the work is being carried out by Dundee-based Caltech Lifts Ltd.

A total of eight lifts are currently being replaced in each of the four Dallfield multi-storeys after the previous ones reached the end of their working life.

Mark Flynn convener of Dundee City Council’s neighbourhood regeneration, housing and estate management committee said: “These lifts are in almost constant use as with 84 flats in each block, people are coming and going all the time.

“We’ve already had some positive feedback from the blocks where work has been completed with tenants telling us that the new lifts are faster, more welcoming and proving to be more reliable.

“They are also bigger and new design features, including LED lighting and a mirrored wall, makes them feel double the size of the old ones.”

Each lift now has remote monitoring which allows council-staff to keep an eye on lift behaviour, lift runs and reliability. Modern regenerative drives also put energy from braking back into their running, saving energy.

Lynne Short, the committee’s deputy convener added: “As well as the benefits to our tenants there is an added bonus that the money we’ve spent on the lift replacement programme will stay in Dundee with one of the city’s own firms proving to be the best value for money option when this contract was let.”

Built in the mid-1960s the Dallfield multis are home to more than 330 households across 14 floors.

The work, which started in October last year is expected to be completed in spring.

Meanwhile, a second £1m plus contract, this time to renew the lifts at Adamson and Elders Court could also be awarded to Caltech.

The neighbourhood regeneration, housing and estate management committee will be asked to consider a bid from the Dundee-based firm to renew four lifts at the multis in Kirk Street, Lochee.

If the tender is approved work, which would be structured to ensure continuous service for residents, could start in Spring and be completed by early in 2025.

The neighbourhood regeneration, housing and estate management committee meets on Monday (December 4).

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