Faith Covenant Signing

Faith Covenant Signing Image

Representatives from faith groups in Dundee have met with the City’s political leaders to sign ‘The Faith Covenant’ during Scottish Inter Faith Week 2023.

In February 2020 a report was agreed by the then Policy & Resources Committee to adopt a Faith Covenant in the City built on the following principles and commitments:

  • Faith communities are free to practise their beliefs and religious observances without restriction, and to raise their voice in public debate and to be respected, within the framework of the law
  • Public services and faith based social action should respect service users from all backgrounds, with no discrimination on the grounds of religion, gender, marital status, race, ethnic origin, age, sexual orientation or disability
  • The voice, participation and solutions that faith communities bring are important, and consultation should enable them to be brought to bear for the benefit of the wider community

Despite delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic the work was re-launched in November 2022 and over the last year Dundee City Council and Faith in Community Dundee have co-ordinated several Faith Leadership events. In March Dundee's 2nd Faith Leadership Event was held where more than 25 faith Leaders were joined by the City’s Political Leaders to explore how work would be taken forward. 

This resulted in the formation of a steering group who carried out specific tasks and actions. Their work culminated in faith leaders coming together today to officially launch and sign the agreed covenant.

Councillor John Alexander, Leader of Dundee City Council said: “Dundee's communities are diverse and inclusive. Across Dundee there are over 145,000 people from many different backgrounds, ethnicities and cultures, that is something to celebrate.

"Faith organisations play a vital role in our city and whether citizens identify as a member of a particular faith or not, all of these groups and organisations provide support, programmes, cafes, foodbanks and social activities, without exclusion.

"When I brought forward proposals to introduce Scotland’s first local authority faith covenant it was in the knowledge that the diversity of our faith organisations is a real source of strength, and not just for those whose faith aligns. These groups have at their heart an ethos of kindness, of hope and generosity. In these fairly dark days, we all need a little more kindness, hope and generosity."

Cllr Nadia El-Nakla, Council Equalities Spokesperson said: “The signing of our faith covenant today is more important than ever. Our shared values unite us as we work together towards improving our city for all of Dundee.

“I am delighted that we are the first local authority in Scotland to do this which shows Dundee’s commitment to working together, despite our faith differences and beliefs, to develop friendships and find common ground for the benefit of Dundee and its people.”

Scottish Inter Faith week runs from 12-19 November 2023 and you can find out more information on the Scottish Inter Faith website.

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