Air Catering Firm Reaching for New Heights

Air Catering Firm Reaching for New Heights Image

A Dundee air catering firm is looking to reach new heights following the award of a business grant from Dundee City Council.

 Employee-owned Fresh Jet Catering, has received nearly £15,000 from the Dundee Business Growth and Innovation Fund. 

This supports growing city-based businesses through an allocation of £500,000 to the council from the Scottish Government Local Authority Covid Economic Recovery Fund. 

Fair Work, Economic Growth and Infrastructure convener Cllr Steven Rome and depute convener Cllr Siobhan Tolland visited the company’s Dundee Airport premises to discuss the investment with Fresh Jet’s management team. 

The grant has assisted towards the costs of a walk-in fridge and a walk-in freezer to support expansion of operations and increased capability. This will enable the business to grow their turnover and employment over 3 years. 

Cllr Rome said: “It was great to have a tour of the premises and see exactly how the grant is helping in Fresh Jet catering’s business planning. 

“This employee-owned business is looking ahead to grow turnover and staffing for the future and we are glad to have been able to assist with this grant.” 

You can find out about Fresh Jet Catering operations on their website here 

Fresh Jet Compliance Director Martin Howie added: "With the generous support of the grant, we were able to invest in the installation of a large walk-in dispatch and storage fridge, as well as a separate freezer. These additions to our infrastructure have proven to be critical to our expansion plans, especially in ensuring the proper refrigeration of our finished airline meals. This enhancement has not only improved the quality and safety of our products but has also facilitated our ability to meet the rigorous standards of the aviation industry.                      

"Thanks to this strategic investment, we have experienced notable growth in both our turnover and employment opportunities. This, in turn, has enabled us to seize additional opportunities providing inflight meals to various new clients. Our ability to cater to their needs has played a pivotal role in our expansion and success." 

The city council’s Economic Growth Team has been working closely with Business Gateway Tayside to develop and manage the scheme. 

Businesses are encouraged to bring forward proposals for funding underpinned by clear growth plans. There are currently a number of companies going through the business planning and grant application process.


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