16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence

16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence Image

A BROAD and diverse programme of activities has been revealed in Dundee as the city once again throws its weight behind one of the world’s biggest campaigns on preventing violence against women and girls.

The Dundee Violence Against Women Partnership has created a series of events which will run during 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence, a global campaign to inspire people to learn, reflect and act to end violence against women.

This year the centrepiece of the city’s response will be the theme “Imagine if Dundee Listened – Discover a City without gender-based violence”.

Ann Hamilton chair of the Dundee Violence Against Women Partnership said: “Part of the process of envisaging a city where there is no gender-based violence is acknowledging that it is the reality for far too many women and girls.

“We need to listen to the accounts of women and girls when they speak about their own experience of violence, turn the full glare of scrutiny onto perpetrators and systems which enable male violence, and commit to a common vision of a Dundee and a world without gender-based violence.

“We know this is a problem across the globe and this year we wanted to shift our focus slightly away from the problem to think in greater depth about the solution. Imagining what this would look like is a critical step.”

To help imagine what a city without gender-based violence will look like, the 16 Days programme will launch on Saturday November 25 at the Overgate Centre with a banner making workshop in preparation for the Reclaim the Night march; arts and crafts, games designed by students at Abertay University and other interactive stalls.

The march itself takes place the following day ending at 6:30pm at City Square before heading to The Steeple where speeches will take place, A limited number of tickets are available for a minimum donation to hear the speeches at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/735399488667?aff=oddtdtcreator

Open to everyone throughout the 16 Days of Activism, community art project, 'We Believe You' will be displayed at the University of Dundee School of Life Sciences Life Space from November 25 to December 10.

As well as a programme of activities for the public, a series of activities for professionals working in the field will also take place.

Full details of this year’s programme of events in Dundee for 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence can be found at : https://www.dvawp.co.uk/news/16-days-2023

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