Our Promise to Care Experienced Young People and Children Update

Our Promise to Care Experienced Young People and Children Update  Image

The positive impact of a wide range of efforts to improve support to care experienced children, young people and care leavers and deliver on “The Dundee Promise” will be outlined to Councillors at the Children, Families and Communities Committee.

Members of the Committee are to consider an annual progress update of the city’s ‘Our Promise to Care Experienced Children and Young People 2021-23’ and approve the next iteration of Our Promise which outlines new priorities for the period 2023-25.

Councillors will hear that social work teams alongside partners supported 600 infants, children, young people and parents/carers on the edge of care. This included support from a New Beginnings Team to vulnerable pregnant women, where 90% of babies remained with their parents or extended families.

Other highlights of the report include the introduction of new Team Around the Child arrangements to enable the views of children, young people and parents/carers to be central to decision-making on the support they receive and a new Kinship Team to enhance support to Kinship Carers.

Over the next two years, priorities include the development of a consistent offer of support to families where children or young people are on the edge of care, the implementation of more forms of specialist family support and increasing the recruitment, support and retention of Foster Carers.

Depute Committee Convener Councillor Roisin Smith said: “There has been some real progress made and this report highlights that.

“We have all come a long way in the last few years, but I know that much more needs to be done to support some of the most vulnerable children and young people in Dundee.

“It is really important to try and keep families together and this will be a major focus over the next two years of the plan and I look forward to hearing the progress made in this area.

“I want to thank the dedicated individuals and teams who are working hard to ensure that vulnerable parents/carers receive timely support and all children and young people feel nurtured, safe and able to make a positive contribution as they enter into adulthood.”

The children, families and communities committee meets on Monday October 23.

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