First Steps Taken on Sustainable Transport Delivery Plan

First Steps Taken on Sustainable Transport Delivery Plan Image

The first steps to deliver a decade-long sustainable transport drive across Dundee have been taken.

Fair Work, Economic Growth and Infrastructure Convener Cllr Steven Rome visited the Dundee Cycle Hub on Waterfront Place to launch the council’s draft Sustainable Transport Delivery Plan 2024-2034. 

Showcasing how infrastructure will be provided for a sustainable mobility future, it outlines how Dundee’s plan ties in with national and regional strategies and details potential investment from external sources of approximately £230 million in a number of projects over the ten-year period.

Cllr Rome explained: “We start from a strong position, with world leading electric vehicle infrastructure, a strategically planned core and orbital network of pedestrianisation and active travel routes, and a frequent public transport network operating within 400 metres of most homes.

 “Our city currently features many aspects of the “20-minute neighbourhood” concept and the objectives outlined in this delivery plan will improve transport for communities in all areas of the city for accessing employment, education, leisure and recreational amenities.

Climate, Environment and Biodiversity convener Councillor Heather Anderson said: “Climate change is an extremely urgent issue and we must consider as a council and a city all the actions we can take to mitigate our impacts and deal with the problems.

“This sustainable transport plan is an important part of our approach, and we are also reviewing the council’s fleet to cut our carbon emissions further as we work to achieve net-zero by 2045.” 

Issues covered by the plan include:

  • Active Travel Network
  • Cycled Parking and Storage
  • Road Safety
  • 20mph Zones
  • School Streets
  • Bus Services
  • Digital Information and Ticketing
  • Mobility Hubs
  • Public Charging for Electric Vehicles

Following approval of the draft plan, a stakeholder consultation exercise will be undertaken with changes made where appropriate before it is finalised.

Cllr Rome added: “The plan sets out our commitment to delivering truly sustainable, safe and integrated mobility infrastructure for Dundee over the next 10 years.

“Though the objectives set out in this delivery plan will benefit current and future residents of the city, we know change can be disruptive.

“We will continue to listen to and involve communities as solutions for the future are designed and delivered. We are confident that as a city working together, for the sake of its future, we can make this happen.”

The draft plan was approved by councillors on The Fair Work, Economic Growth and Infrastructure Committee on Monday (Sep 25).

You can find it here

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