Budget consultation 2024-25 launched

Budget consultation 2024-25 launched Image

Dundonians will have a chance to share their views on the city council’s spending priorities before the budget is set early next year.

This year’s budget consultation comes amid the ongoing cost of living crisis, growing pressures on local council budgets and increasing demands on some key services.

The city council expects to have to find around £19.5m of savings and efficiencies over the next year. Understanding the priorities of people who live or work the city is key to delivering that.

Willie Sawers, depute convener of Dundee City Council’s city governance committee, said: “We hear from people across Dundee each year during the budget consultation exercise and it’s their views that help us to identify what the council’s spending priorities should be.

“It’s more important than ever that we ensure as many people as possible take part this year and tell us where they think the council’s limited resources should be focused before the difficult decisions are taken.

“Making your voice heard only takes a few minutes and, as previous council budgets have shown, it really does make a difference.”

In meeting its legal requirement to set a balanced budget for 2024/25, the council is focusing on six main areas: budget management, service efficiencies, income generation, local taxation, reserves and service reductions.

Cllr Sawers added: “The council has a good track record of effective budget management, meaning that we go into this period of financial planning from a relatively strong position.

“This, combined with other information including feedback from the consultation, is pulled together to help inform the decision-making process and supports the council to better understand exactly what the people of Dundee are thinking.

“Everyone who lives and works in the city has a stake in the council and our decisions will directly affect them, so it is vital that as many of them as possible take part in the conversation and give us greater insight that we can use to base our financial decisions on.”

Dundee City Council’s budget consultation launches today (Tuesday) and can be accessed via this link. It will be open until November 3.

Local libraries can provide computer access and help with filling out the survey. Anyone who is unable to go to a library and wishes to take part in the consultation can call 01382 434000.

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