School Strike Update

All Dundee City Council primary schools (including nursery classes), special and secondary schools will be CLOSED to all pupils for three days next week due to industrial action.
The closures will take place on Tuesday September 26, Wednesday September 27 and Thursday September 28.
Based on the current information available the council will be able to open the following seven standalone nurseries:
Hill View Nursery
Coldside nursey
Caird View Nursery
Woodlea Nursery
Wallacetown Nursery
Balluniefield Nusery
Longhaugh Nursery
Industrial action is being taken by support staff as national pay negotiations continue.
The council has had to make the decision to close all schools and nursery classes because of the high number of support staff involved. Without these staff it would not be possible to safely open the buildings.
Teachers will continue to work and online learning will be provided for pupils. Paper learning packs will be made available if needed.
Families will be contacted directly by their school about home learning.
Arrangements are being made for free school meal payments to be made directly to qualifying households.
All establishments will reopen on Friday September 29.
The council will publish updates on its website and social media channels.
City Centre Community Clean-Up takes place
A Community Clean-Up has taken place this week in Dundee’s city centre area as part of the long-standing Take Pride in Your City campaign.
Dundee Integration Joint Board Agrees Budget for year ahead
Dundee City Council
