Property and housing maintenance and refurbishment framework

Property and housing maintenance and refurbishment framework Image

A SCHEME to support the delivery of housing repairs and maintenance works in Dundee is set to be considered by councillors next week.

Council chiefs will be able to appoint pre-approved contractors without the need for a lengthy and sometimes complex tendering process at times where inhouse resources can’t undertake all of the work.

Mark Flynn, convener of the council’s neighbourhood regeneration, housing and estate management committee said: “Staff at Construction Services do a great job and have been working flat out since the pandemic to clear the accumulated repairs and maintenance jobs, big and small, across the city. We appreciate all of the effort that is going in to it.

“The framework would only kick in when Construction Services are unable to do the works using in-house resources, and having it in place means we can react quickly to any problems as they arise, for the benefit of our tenants.

“We would only expect to use it on rare occasions, but when we do it will help ease the pressure on our hard-working teams.”

The framework would run until June 2025, with a potential two-year extension, and a funding pot of £1.8m in year one, followed by £1.4m per year for the remainder of the term. 

The neighbourhood regeneration, housing and estate management committee meets on Monday (September 4).

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