Beautiful Scotland judges visit

Beautiful Scotland judges visit Image

Beautiful Scotland judges today (Wed 9th August) visited the city as part of Bonnie Dundee’s entry in the City category of the 2023 awards.

Administered by Keep Scotland Beautiful, a member of the Royal Horticultural Society’s Bloom Federation, Beautiful Scotland celebrates and supports the achievements of communities who have come together to make positive and lasting improvements to their city, town or village.

Bonnie Dundee is a partnership of many groups and organisations who have taken forward Dundee’s entry in the City category of Beautiful Scotland for the past eighteen years.

The Dundee entry incorporates a city network of community groups, organisations, the Council, businesses, schools and individuals who are collectively making the city cleaner, greener, brighter and healthier.

Climate, Environment & Biodiversity Committee Convener Heather Anderson said: “Dundee’s many community volunteers and Council employees have been working exceptionally hard throughout the past year to improve the city’s environment, encourage participation, and ensure that the city is seen at its best.

“There is a great sense of community within the many organisations and groups, and we are lucky to have, hundreds of volunteers working to improve their environment and connect with their communities.

“These volunteers, together with community organisations, have built a network of people who are growing local food, improving biodiversity, tackling the climate emergency, clearing up litter and reducing waste. All of us benefit from this because we know that our environment, greenspaces and nature support our health and wellbeing.

“I congratulate everyone involved on their hard work and enthusiasm and wish Dundee’s entry every success in this year’s Beautiful Scotland awards.”

Juliette Camburn, from Keep Scotland Beautiful, said: “Villages, towns and cities that enter Beautiful Scotland have already made a huge contribution in keeping Scotland beautiful for residents and visitors.

“As we face a climate and nature emergency, this initiative supports local authorities, communities and businesses to work together to help tackle biodiversity loss and local climate issues, and helps reconnect people with nature and their communities.

“The Beautiful Scotland groups bring people together to build stronger communities and continue to make a massive difference to Scotland’s environment while having fun at the same time. I’d like to wish all the groups the best of luck and look forward to celebrating all their achievements with them at the 2023 award ceremony in September.”

The Beautiful Scotland judges visited Dundee for a four-hour tour to give a snapshot of some of Bonnie Dundee’s latest achievements. The judges’ visit also included lunch hosted and provided by the MAXwell Community Centre and Garden’s Summer Children’s Club who grow, harvest and cook the produce from the Garden.

Some of the winners from Beautiful Scotland 2023 will go on to represent Scotland in the UK-wide RHS Britain in Bloom Finals in 2024.

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